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HQ Co., 192nd Tank Battalion

Last updated on September 23, 2024

Commanding Officer, 192nd Tank Battalion

Lt. Col. Theodore F. Wickord*

Staff Officers

Maj. Maynard R. SnellCapt. Joseph A. RevakCapt. Russell C. Thorman *★ 
Capt. Arthur V. Burholt*Capt. Ruben H. Schwass *

Liaison Officer

2nd Lt. John F. Hay


1st. Lt. George A. Van Arsdall*

HQ CO., Commanding Officer

Capt. Fred T. Bruni*Capt. Donald L. Hanes*

Staff Officers

1st. Lt. John F. A. Bushaw *2nd Lt. Richard E. Danca*2nd Lt. Marshall H. Kennady Jr.
2nd Lt. Charles E. Bennett1st. Lt. Emmett F. Gibson*2nd Lt. Jacques V. Merrifield*

Enlisted Men

PFC Robert S. AinsworthPvt. Lonnie L. Gray*Sgt. William F. Nolan*
Sgt. William C. Alford*Sgt. Jack J. Griswold*Sgt. Joseph H. O’Connell*
Pvt. Joseph N. AngelonePvt. Edward M. HainesPFC William L. Peavler*
Pvt. Elzie E. Anness*PFC John HandoPvt. Edgar P. Peters
S/Sgt. Richard C. Armato*Pvt. George C. HardtkePvt. Dominick Piccolo
PFC Leon F. AthaPvt. Lyle C. Harlow*Cpl. Bruno J. Pierotti
Tec 4 Frank L. BeaverSgt. Howard L. HasselkusPvt. Paul P. Pirnat
Pvt. Donald R. Berger*PFC William A. Hauser*Pvt. Earl L. Pratt
Pvt. William E. Blacketer*Tec 5 Donald M. Heddleston*Pvt. Paul A. Ratay
Pvt. Emery B. Boardman*PFC James C. Henson Jr.★Pvt. John H. Read
T/Sgt. Johnnie W. Bottoms Sr.*Tec 5 Ralph K. HitePvt. Arthur H. Reed
Cpl. Matthew B. BraunSgt. John E. Hobbs Jr.PFC Field M. Reed Jr.*
Sgt. Lewis H. Brittan*Sgt. John O. Hopple*PFC Harley G. Reeves
Tec 5 William C. P. BrownPvt. Robert R. Hubbard*Pvt. Emerson S. Rex*
Pvt. Paul H. BrucePvt. Kent W. Huhges Jr.*Pvt. Howard E. Rickman
Pvt. Grover C. Brummett*Tec 4 William P. Hullihan*Sgt. John E. Rowland
PFC Lester R. Buggs*Cpl. Fred A. Jannisch Jr.*Pvt. Campbell K. Sadler*
PFC Melvin E. Buggs*Sgt. Frank Jendrysik*Pvt. James W.  Sallee*
PFC Wayne T. Buggs*PFC Harry Jerele*Pvt. Ernest L. Sampson Jr.*
PFC James R. BurdenTec 5 Harold P. Keegan*Sgt. Jennings B. Scanlon Jr.*
Pvt. Lester C. CalePFC Philip E. KillingerPvt. Frederick G. Schweinsberg*
Pvt. Martin W. Camfferman Jr.*Cpl. Harry A. King*Pvt. Reid T. Shewmaker*
Sgt. Willard H. Campbell*Sgt. Ronald J. King * ★Pvt. Russell D. Simon*
Pvt. Woodrow B. CarrollSgt. Edward Lyle Kolb*Pvt. Cecil J. Sims*
Pvt. Albert J. ChristCpl. John KoleczekPvt. Mitchel O. Spear
PFC Robert V. Cloyd*Sgt. John G. Kolesar Jr.*Sgt. Norman F. Spencer*
PFC Daniel J. Courtney*Sgt. Leslie H. Krause*Pvt. John T. Stanton
Pvt. Woodrow T. CoxPvt. Stanley H. Kyler*Pvt. Charles H. Steel
PFC Ancel E. Crick*Pvt. James M. LangfordPvt. Mayo G. Stephenson
Pvt. Charles V. Crompton*Pvt. Alfred R. Langley*Tec 4 Gerald J. Sterken*
PFC John L. Cummins*PFC Edward J. LenioCpl. Howard F. Stickel
PFC Albert E. DeCurtinsPvt. Fred G. Leonard Jr.*1st Sgt. William L. Swift*
Sgt. Roger C. Dery*Pvt. J. M. LillardPvt. John D. Swinehamer*
Cpl. Leo H. Dorsey*Pvt. Harvey E. LoguePvt. Marvin D. Taylor*
Cpl. George E. Dravo*Tec 5 Fred W. Lovering Jr.*Cpl. Ralph N. Taylor
Pvt. James W. Durr*PFC Arthur G. MahonePvt. Joseph P. Trlicik
PFC Homer R. DuttS/Sgt. Walter J. Mahr*Pvt. Walter L.  Tucker
Pvt. John J. EberPvt. Nick J. MarchesePvt. Cecil R. Van Diver*
Tec 5 Lyle EesleyPFC Lawrence I. Martin*Sgt. Edmund F. Van Galder*
Tec 4 Lloyd E. EhrbarPvt. Clement F. MartiniCpl. Jimmy W. Vaughn Jr.
Sgt. Ralph A. Ellis*Sgt. Joseph B. MathenyCpl. Russell H. Vertuno*
Pvt. Kenneth W. EngelT/Sgt. Arthur C. McArthur Jr.*Pvt. Albert K. Walker
Pvt. Elmer E. EngleM/Sgt. Osborne McDonald*Sgt. Lewis M. Wallisch*
PFC Harold G. Fanning*Cpl. Robert W. MillerT/Sgt Ernest G. Walsh*
Pvt. Sam FieldsPvt. Joseph A. MoczarnyPFC Lester O. Watson*
PFC Roy J. FlippenPvt. August J. MoodyPvt. Earl W. Whitney
Pvt. Willard E. Foster*PFC Albert B. Moore*Pvt. Grover D. Whittinghill*
Tec 5 John T. Fox*Tec 5 Claude N. Moreland*Pvt. Edward G. Wills Jr.*
Pvt. Laddio GalliaPvt. Thomas P. MotoskoSgt. Ivan O. Wilmer*
Cpl. Jack P. GauthierPvt. Peter NakavichSgt. John W. Wood Jr.*
Tec 5 Clifford L. GibsonPvt. Gordon M. NewmanPvt. Lucian F. Yankey*
Pvt. Olen J. GilsonPvt. Willard R. Yeast*

Self-Attached to 192nd: During the Battle of Luzon and the Battle of Bataan, as many as 75 men, from other units, fought with the tank group.

PFC Lawrence R. BeardPvt. Edward L. Hartley Jr.Sgt. Ralph B. Rose★
Pvt Nicholas GugulaPFC Winton J. LongPFC Genarc Tampueco★

Died in Service
* National Guardsman

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