192nd Medical Detachment before the war.

Pvt. Marvin Jaeger sits on the steps of his barracks during training at Ft. Knox, Kentucky.
Courtesy of the Jaeger Family
Pvt. Marvin Jaeger sits on the steps of his barracks during training at Ft. Knox, Kentucky.
Courtesy of the Jaeger Family

Photo of the 192nd Tank Battalion Medical detachment taken at Ft. Knox in 1941. 1st Row: (Left to Right) Capt. Salmon, M.D., S/Sgt. Howard Massey, Unknown, Pvt. Marvin Jaeger, Pfc. Charles Jensen, Lt. Alvin Poweleit, M. D., 2nd Row: (Left to Right) Unknown, Unknown, Cpl. John Reynolds, Unknown, Pvt. Donald Norris, Unknown, Unknown 3rd Row: (Left to Right) Pfc. Ardel Schei, Unknown, Unknown, Pvt. Martin Wasserman, Pvt. Wilbur Lindsey, Pfc. Charles Massey, Pfc. Paul Moser
Courtesy of the Marvin Jaeger Family
Photo of the 192nd Tank Battalion Medical detachment taken at Ft. Knox in 1941. 1st Row: (Left to Right) Capt. Salmon, M.D., S/Sgt. Howard Massey, Unknown, Pvt. Marvin Jaeger, Pfc. Charles Jensen, Lt. Alvin Poweleit, M. D., 2nd Row: (Left to Right) Unknown, Unknown, Cpl. John Reynolds, Unknown, Pvt. Donald Norris, Unknown, Unknown 3rd Row: (Left to Right) Pfc. Ardel Schei, Unknown, Unknown, Pvt. Martin Wasserman, Pvt. Wilbur Lindsey, Pfc. Charles Massey, Pfc. Paul Moser
Courtesy of the Marvin Jaeger Family