During 1941, Pvt. Mike Wepsiec sent this postcard from Detroit where he and other members of the 192nd were picking up trucks. - Courtesy of Mike Wepsiec
Wepsiec Detroit Postcard

Postcard sent home to his parents by Pvt. Mike Wepsiec, B Co., 192nd, - after returning from a furlough to Camp Polk -the card was written as his company waited for the train to leave for San Francisco. From there, they sent to the Philippine Islands. - Courtesy of Mike Wepsiec
Wepsiec Train Postcard

Letter from 2nd Lt. Arthur Holland to George Smith and his wife. Smith was released from service because of hearing loss.
Holland Letter P 1a

This letter was sent by Ben Morin to his friend, George Smith, as the 192nd made its way to San Francisco. George Smith had been a member of B Company but was released from federal service, in August of 1941, due to hearing loss.
Morin Letter Gs Envelope 001

The last communique from General Wainwright.
Courtesy of the Kindell Family
The last communique from General Wainwright.
Courtesy of the Kindell Family

Letter received by LaPrade Brown's mother notifying her of his death at Bilibid Prison.Courtesy of the Illinois National Guard
Letter received by LaPrade Brown's mother notifying her of his death at Bilibid Prison.Courtesy of the Illinois National Guard

A second letter to Leona Dugger, the mother of LaPrade Brown, written in 1945 by General Douglas MacArthur.Courtesy of the Illinois National Guard
A second letter to Leona Dugger, the mother of LaPrade Brown, written in 1945 by General Douglas MacArthur.Courtesy of the Illinois National Guard

Letter Pvt. Bill Hauser, B Co., 192nd Tank Battalion, was allowed to send to his parents.
Hauser Letter

Original message Pvt. Bill Hauser broadcast over shortwave radio by the Japanese.
Hauser Radio Message

Notebook kept by Sgt. Lewis Wallisch of HQ Company, 192nd Tank Battalion
Courtesy of the Wallisch Family
Notebook 1 C

After the war, Elmer Bensing of D Company wrote down the rules the prisoners were expected to follow on the Hell Ships. - Courtesy of the Bensing Family
Bensing POW Rules

POW card sent by Sgt. Lewis Wallisch to his parents while he was a POW at Cabanatuan #3 - Courtesy of the Wallisch family

A second POW postcard Lewis Wallisch sent to his parents. This time he was at Cabanatuan #1 -Courtesy of the Wallisch family

Telegram sent to the parents of Sgt. Jim Bashleben by the Adjutant General after it was learned that he was alive in Fukuoka Camp 17. - Courtesy of Jim Bashleben
Western Union

Telegram telling the family of Pvt. William Kindell that he had been liberated.
Kindell Freed Telegram

Letter the Peterson family received when it was learned that Sgt. Robert Peterson had been transferred to Japan
Peterson Transferred to Japan

Telegram notifying the family of Cpl Thomas Davenport, C Co. 192nd, that he was dead.

First letter received by the Davenport family on the death of Cpl. Thomas Davenport, C Co.
DavenportDeathNotice Jun 45

Second Letter informing the Davenport family that Cpl. Thomas Davenport, C Co., was dead.
Davenport KIA Jun 45

Letter informing the Davenport family that the remains of Cpl. Thomas Davenport were buried at Military Cemetery #2 at Manila.
Davenport Burial May 46

This is part of a document by Lt. William Gentry, C Co., 192nd. The account is of C Co., 192nd's, tank battle.
Gentry 1

Affidavit given by Charles Riedmiller about his treatment as a Prisoner of War
Reidmiller, Charles affidavit.1

Postcard the family of Sgt. Lewis Britttan, HQ Co. 192nd, received after he was heard on a shortwave radio broadcast.
Postcard & Broadcast

The first telegram the family of Pvt. Marcus Lawson received that he had been liberated from the Japanese.
Lawson Liberated Telegram 1

Telegram from the War Department that S/Sgt. Marcus Lawson was being returned to the United States.
Lawson Telegram Coming Home

Letter the family of T/4 Steve Lemke A Co., 194th Tank Battalion, stating he had died in the sinking of the Arisan Maru.

The following pages are a record of men from Minnesota who died as POWs - Courtesy of Roger Mansell

Affidavit given by Charles Riedmiller, 192nd Tank Battalion, about his treatment as a Prisoner of War.
Reidmiller, Charles affidavit.1

Letter the Shewmaker family received from the War Department about mistreatment of Prisoners of War. -
Letter to Shewmaker family

Letter sent to the step-mother of 2nd Lt. Edwin Miller, HQ Co., 194th Tank Battalion, that his remains were interred at the new American Military Cemetery at Manila per his father's request.
Miller Internment Letter

Pvt. Bernard Johnson was killed in the sinking of the Oryoku Maru on Dec, 15, 1944. This was the telegram his mother received from the War Department telling her of his death.
Bernard Johnson KIA Telegram

Record on the death of PFC Clyde Ehrhardt on the Arisan Maru - October 24, 1944.
NA Form 13164 Ehrhardt

Letter received by the Schweinsberg family declaring Pvt. Fred Schweinsberg dead.
Letter 1 Schweinsberg

The second letter received by the Schweinsberg family correcting his date of death.
Letter 2 Schweinsberg

Lewis Wallisch's Last Letter Home Before Leaving for the Philippine Islands
Lewis Wallisch's Last Letter Home Before Leaving for the Philippine Islands

Lewis Wallisch's Last Letter Home Before Leaving for the Philippine Islands
Lewis Wallisch's Last Letter Home Before Leaving for the Philippine Islands

Lewis Wallisch's Last Letter Home Before Leaving for the Philippine Islands
Lewis Wallisch's Last Letter Home Before Leaving for the Philippine Islands

Lewis Wallisch's Last Letter Home Before Leaving for the Philippine Islands
Lewis Wallisch's Last Letter Home Before Leaving for the Philippine Islands

Lewis Wallisch's Last Letter Home Before Leaving for the Philippine Islands
Lewis Wallisch's Last Letter Home Before Leaving for the Philippine Islands

Lewis Wallisch's Last Letter Home Before Leaving for the Philippine Islands
Lewis Wallisch's Last Letter Home Before Leaving for the Philippine Islands