HQ Co., 194th Tank Battalion

Commanding Officer

Lt. Col. Ernest B. Miller* 

Executive Officer

Maj. Charles S. Canby*


Capt. Lyman E. Johnson*  Capt. Clinton D. Quinlen*Capt. Ferris G. Spoor*
Capt. John S. Muir* 2nd Lt. Lawrence S. Schoeneck*

To C Company, 192nd Tank Battalion

1st Lt. William L Cockrum

Provisional Tank Group

2nd Lt. Daniel J. Beyer2nd Lt. Harry B. Black
Pfc. Willard E. Hall*Pvt. Luther D. Hall*

To D Co., 192nd

Capt. Jack C. Altman2nd Lt. Alfred J. Herbold*★2nd Lt. John J. Hummel


HQ Co., Commanding Officer

Capt. John C. Riley Jr.*

HQ Co.

1st Lt. Charles A.  Fleming* 1st. Lt. John T. Furby2nd Lt. Edwin C. Miller
 2nd Lt. Ralph E. Crandall* 
Pvt. George L. AbapoPvt. Marvin N. Everts*Tec 5 Robert E. Overstreet*
Pfc. Robert J. AlbertPvt. Gerald D. FoleyCpl. Harlin Owens*
Cpl. William S. Allen*Cpl. James D. Fox*Pfc. Paul A. Paden*
Cpl. Francis E. Aram*Pvt. Carl H. FranklinSgt. Ralph L. Parker*
Sgt. Joseph E. Aram*Sgt. Jacob S. Gamboa*Pvt. Bill Peart
Cpl. John R. AtwellPvt. Wayne S. George Jr*Pvt. Claire A. Pickel Jr*
Cpl. Milton BakerPfc. Noah C. Heard*Cpl. Noel M. Ravneberg
Tec 5 Harry F. BarkerPfc. Harry D. HeikkilaTec 5 Donald J. Reilly*
Sgt. Howard C. BarryPfc. Eugene T. HoglundPvt. Joseph W. Ripley
Tec 5 Ingwell V. BartlesonPvt. Raymond E. Hopkins*Tec 5 James H. Robertson
M/Sgt. Floyd W. Bickmore*Tec 5 Eldon L. IngebretsonPvt. Thomas J. Roche*
Pvt. Joe D. BlairPvt. Edward A. James Jr.1st Sgt. Charles W. Rockwell*
Tec 4 John H. BlomquistCpl. Arnold S. JohnsonPfc. Clarence E. Roedell*
Pvt. Kenneth BooherPvt. Lawrence D. KachmarekTec 5 John A. Rohmer*
Pvt. Henry D. BordnerPfc. Otto R. KaferPfc. James A. Sapp*
M/Sgt. William G. Boyd*Cpl. Eddie M. King*Sgt. Harold E. Schenk*
Tec 5 Adam T. BoysenPvt. Robert W. King*Pfc. Michael W. Schiltz*
Cpl. Philip S. Brain Jr.Sgt. Walter C. King*Sgt. Gerald W. Schlosser*
Cpl. Hugh E. BranchSgt. Hugh P. KissingerPvt. Gerald P. Shapley*
Tec 5 Alvin C. BrodCpl. Frank G. Knapp*Pvt. Robert I. Shultz*
Tec 5 Robert A. BrownPFC Delbert J. KohlerSgt. George F. Simmons
Pvt. Ralph H. BuchananPvt. Alexander R. KopekPvt. Zoeth P. Skinner*
Tec 5 Corbin N. BuellT/Sgt. Augusta R. Krause Jr.*Pvt. Charles R. Smith Jr.*
Cpl. Ethan H. Campbell*T/Sgt. Allan D. Lang*Pvt. James H. Smith*
Sgt. Charles C. Chop T/Sgt. Sidney G. Lang*Pfc. Joseph L. Smith
Pvt. George A. Christy*Tec 5 John P. LawsonCpl. Warren B. Smith Jr.*
Pvt. Anton E. CichyPvt. Brenton D. LeBlancPfc. John D. Stehwien Jr.
Tec 4 Lloyd O. Cole*Sgt. Hubert H. Long*Pfc. John L. Striplin
Pvt. Frank H. CondonSgt. Gerald J. LundquistT/Sgt. Clarence H. Thomas*
Tec 5 Artie P. Cope*Sgt. Marvin J. Lyon*Pfc. John W. Thompson*
Pvt. Earl T. CovyeowPvt. Robert MacDonaldPvt. Winfield J. Thompson
Tec 4 Robert I. Cox*Cpl. William V. McKeonPfc. Philip B. Tripp
Sgt. Walter L. Daffron Jr.*Sgt. John D. Marshall*Pvt. Jack W. Tucker*
Pvt. Claude C. DanforthPvt. Clayton M. MillerSgt. Charles R. Walker
Pvt. Eugene L. DavidsonPvt. Guy O. MillerPvt. Ira Warren
Cpl. Clelan A. Dewey*Pvt. Robert L. Miller*Pfc. Roy V. Wehrkamp
Tec 5 Kenneth W. EighmePfc. Albin M. MilstenTec 5 Glenn L. White
Pvt. Dan D. Emery*Tec 5 Mario MirkoPvt. Ralph C. Williford*
S/Sgt. Charles E. Emlay*Pfc. Emery O. Monroe*Pvt. Harry G. Wortman
Tec 4 Robert E. Emlay*Pfc. Manuel F. Ortez*Pfc. Louis J. W. Yager*
Sgt. Howell A. Emley  Pfc. Roland G. Zweber

Self-Attached to 194th: During the Battle of Luzon and the Battle of Bataan as many as 75 men, from other units, fought with the tank group.

Cpl. Winfred ChildressPvt. William D. KanePvt. Saul Rubenstein
Cpl. Walter L. ClarkPvt. Jack D. MorganSgt. John L. Schmidt
Sgt. Earl E. Hyson PFC Robert W. Smythe

 Died in Service
* National Guardsman – Some men came from other National Guard Units

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