Schneider, Capt. Leo, M.D.
Capt. Leo Schneider, MD, was born on January 28, 1907, in Portland, Oregon to Philip Schneider and Gerta Meltzer-Schneider, and had three brothers. His parents
Capt. Leo Schneider, MD, was born on January 28, 1907, in Portland, Oregon to Philip Schneider and Gerta Meltzer-Schneider, and had three brothers. His parents
PFC Clyde Marion Grayson was born on December 1, 1906, in Rolla, Missouri, to Marion Grayson and Lena Grabill-Grayson. He had three sisters and two
Pvt. Lyle Robert Gravitt was born on December 19, 1919, in Ames, Iowa, to Joseph B. Gravitt and Leatha M. Bates-Gravitt and had three sisters
Sgt. Victor L. Gosney was born on August 10, 1917, in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. He was the son of Jane S. Wynes-Gosney and Alfred
Sgt. William Lewis Glenn Jr. was August 5, 1921, in Niland, California to William L. Glenn Sr. and Mary E. Aber-Glenn. At some point, his
T/4 Joe Gillis was born on September 18, 1921, in Wheeling, West Virginia. He was the son of Giovanni T. Gillio-Tos and Victoria F. Moral-Gillo-Tos,
S/Sgt. August Fidel Gillis was born in Bellaire, Ohio, on September 19, 1918. He was the son of Giovanni T. Gillio-Tos and Victoria F. Moral-Gillio-Tos.
Pvt. Charles Richard Sigala was born on July 16, 1916, in Santa Paula, California, to Macario Sigala and Margarita Cobos-Sigala and was known as “Rafy”
S/Sgt. Roy Albert Gatewood was born on July 7, 1919, in Oakdale, Louisiana, to Henry O. Gatewood and Floris M. Cornstock-Gatewood, had had two sisters
PFC William Allen Garrison was born on February 13, 1921, in Bakersfield, California, to Allen P. Garrison and Mary E. Foster-Garrison. With his two sisters,
PFC James Edward Frost was born on April 30, 1920, in Midco, Missouri, to George W. Frost and Mary Walters-Frost. He had three sisters and
Pvt. Dorsey William Foshee was born on October 6, 1918, in Oklahoma to John W. Foshee and Ella R. Dorsey-Foshee. He was known as “Buddy”