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C Co., 192nd Tank Battalion

Last updated on September 1, 2024

Staff Headquarters Company

Capt. Arthur V. Burholt*

To HQ Company

Sgt. John G. Kolesar Jr.*Pvt. Russell D. Simon*

From A Company

2nd Lt. Leroy A. Scoville*

From B Company

2nd Lt. Donald R. Bertrand*

From D Company

1st Lt. William H. Gentry

To B Company

Capt. Robert S. Sorensen*2nd Lt. Harvey A. JenningsSgt. Elmer N. Smith*

C Company

Capt. Harold W. Collins*1st Lt. William L. Cockrum
Pvt. Leonard M. AdamsPvt. Howard R. GasawayPvt. Joseph P. Pevey
Sgt. Albert L. Allen Jr.Pvt. Raymond F. GheenPvt. Lacy L. Prater
1st Sgt. John R. Andrews*Pvt. Charles J. GiamalvaPvt. Sidney M. Rattner
S/Sgt. Joseph W. Beard*Pvt. Melvin GiddensPvt. Samuel L. Raynes
Pvt. Harold R. Beggs*PFC James W. GillespiePFC George H. Reis II
Sgt. Charles R. Boeshart*Pvt. Paul A. GrassickTec. 5 Paul E. Reutinger
Pvt. Ralph L. BoylePvt. Edward E. Grogg*Pvt. Forest E. Richeson
PFC Hubert O. BrewerPFC Rollie C. Harger*Pvt. Charles G. Riedmiller
Sgt. Vincent R. BrownPvt. Charles C. HarmonPvt. Elmer M. Roberts
Pvt. William E. BrownCpl. Marvin C. HarrisTec. 5 Walter L. Robey
Pvt. James M. BryantS/Sgt. Joseph J. Hrupcho*Tec 4 John E. Robinette
Pvt. Charles P. Chaffin*Cpl. Virgil C. Janes*Pvt. John F. Ross
Tec. 5 Earl L. Charles Jr.Sgt. Elwin C. JonesPFC Robert A. Ruminski
Cpl. Wade W. Chio*Pvt. Lewis R. KirbyPFC Wilbur F. Russell Jr.★
Pvt. Burlen C. Cupp Jr.Tec. 4 John Kovach Jr.*Pvt. John J. Sandor
Cpl. Thomas G. DavenportPFC Silas B. LeGrow*Sgt. Jacob A. Schmidt*
Tec. 4 Chester S. DeCant*PFC Collen W. LongSgt. John L. Short*
Pvt. Vernor DeckPvt. Charles H. LooneySgt. Robert W. Shubert
Pvt. Cornell DillonPvt. Edward F. MartelPvt. Allen F. Sills
Tec. 5 Alton M. Dodway*Pvt. Raymond J. McCreanorSgt. Emerson P. Smith
Pvt. Alva R. DoshierPFC Hobart G. McVayPvt. Garold M. Stephen
Pvt. Jack D. DriverSgt. John Miklo*Pvt. Carl D. Stuller
Sgt. David H. DuffPvt. Merle L. MillerSgt. Kenneth E. Thompson*
Pvt. Robert T. DuncanPvt. John D. Minier*Pvt. George M. Verba
Pvt. Jesse W. DurhamTec. 5 James T. MoranTec. 5 LaVern A. Weir
Pvt. Raymon O. EdensSgt. John J. Morine*S/Sgt. Joseph J. Wierzchon Jr.*
S/Sgt. Stephen M. Eliyas*Pvt. William M. MullinsPvt. Wilfred R. Willis
S/Sgt. Olen C. Elwell*Pvt. Albert P. NaymickCpl. Howard M. Wodrich*
Pvt. Charles E. EverettPvt. Billie M. NealPvt. Robert L. Young
Pvt. Clifford W. FusselmanPFC James W. O’Brien*Cpl. Joseph Zam Jr.*
PFC George S. GarmanPvt. George Zimmerman

 Died in Service
* National Guardsman

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