Ben Steele Drawings

The POWs were allowed to drink from the trenches along the road which often had dead bodies in them. The result was that many POWs developed dysentery and died at Camp O'Donnell. Courtesy of Ben Steele
Steele Dm1

In this drawing by Ben Steele, a POW who fell is bayoneted by a Japanese guard. This was a common occurance on the march.
Courtesy of Ben Steele

POWs are lectured on the rules after arriving at Camp O'Donnell. They were also told they were captives and not prisoners of war and would be treated as captives.
Courtesy of Ben Steele©
POW are lectured
Courtesy of Ben Steele©

POWs carrying containers for water since Camp O'Donnell had an inadequate water supply.
Courtesy of Ben Steele ©
POWs carrying containers for water.
Courtesy of Ben Steele ©

POWs share the load by carrying two five gallon cans of water on a pole on to Camp O'Donnell. The reason was the camp did not have an adequate water supply.
Courtesy of Ben Steele ©
POWs share the load

POWs combine food with each other to get a little more food.
Courtesy of Ben Steele ©
A little more food.

A POW digs his own grave at Camp O'Donnell while a Japanese officer prepares to cut off his head.
Courtesy of Ben Steele©
His own grave
Courtesy of Ben Steele©

"We can add mongo beans to your diced rat and there would be enough for the three of us!"
Courtesy of Ben Steele ©
Cabanatuan Food Sharing

On a work detail most likely to build a runway at an airfield, the undernourished POWs attempt to move a car full of rocks.
Courtesy of Ben Steele ©
Work Detail

POWs carry a load of rocks while building runways on a work detail.
Courtesy of Ben Steele ©
POWs carry a load of rocks