192 - Co. B - During The War

Clark Field as seen from the air after the Japanese attack on December 8, 1941.
Clark Field as seen from the air after the Japanese attack on December 8, 1941.

Pvt. Robert V. Parr and Company B mascot "P 40" somewhere on the Island of Luzon.
Courtesy of William Hauser Family
Parr & Mascot

Hospital area on Bataan.
Courtesy of the Cornils Family
Hospital area on Bataan.
Courtesy of the Cornils Family

Photo of "P 40" mascot of Company B taken on Bataan.
Courtesy of Jim Bashleben
Photo of "P 40" mascot of Company B taken on Bataan.
Courtesy of Jim Bashleben

26th U. S. Cavalry of Filipino Scouts withdrawing past tanks of B or C Company, 192nd Tank Battalion on Luzon.
Courtesy Ray Peterson

In this picture taken on Bataan, members of the 192nd Tank Battalion take a break on their halftrack. From the left, the five men who are clearly visible are Cpl. Albert DeCurtins, Pvt. Clement "Joe" Martini, Sgt. Howard Hasselkus, S/Sgt. Walter Mahr, Unknown, and Pvt. George Hardtke.
All the men identified died while Japanese POWs.
Courtesy Julie Brittain and Ray Peterson
In this picture taken on Bataan, members of the 192nd Tank Battalion take a break on their halftrack. From the left, the five men who are clearly visible are Cpl. Albert DeCurtins, Pvt. Clement "Joe" Martini, Sgt. Howard Hasselkus, S/Sgt. Walter Mahr, Unknown, and Pvt. George Hardtke.
All the men identified died while Japanese POWs.
Courtesy Julie Brittain and Ray Peterson

Filipino soldiers prepare to blow up a damaged railroad bridge during the withdrawal into the Bataan Peninsula.
Filipino soldiers prepare to blow up a damaged railroad bridge during the withdrawal into the Bataan Peninsula.

This map from the Chicago American details the attack on the Philippines to the fall of Corregidor.
This map from the Chicago American details the attack on the Philippines to the fall of Corregidor.

Pvt. Norman Spencer, a motorcycle messenger for Headquarters Company of the Provisional Tank Group, catches a nap holding his Lewis Machine Gun.
Courtesy Gordon Spencer
Pvt. Norman Spencer, a motorcycle messenger for Headquarters Company of the Provisional Tank Group, catches a nap holding his Lewis Machine Gun.
Courtesy Gordon Spencer

Another photo of the jeep at the surrender negotiations.
Courtesy of the Burns family
Another photo of the jeep at the surrender negotiations.
Courtesy of the Burns family

Cpl. William E. Burns sits behind the wheel of one of the two jeeps that carried officers of General King's staff to negotiate the surrender of Filipino and American Forces on Bataan. The "flags" used on the jeeps were bedding from A Company, 192nd Tank Battalion.
William Burns died while a Japanese POW.
Cpl. William E. Burns sits behind the wheel of one of the two jeeps that carried officers of General King's staff to negotiate the surrender of Filipino and American Forces on Bataan. The "flags" used on the jeeps were bedding from A Company, 192nd Tank Battalion.
William Burns died while a Japanese POW.

Filipino soldiers in the jungle on Bataan.
Courtesy Jim Bashleben
Filipino soldiers in the jungle on Bataan.
Courtesy Jim Bashleben

A jungle trail on Bataan in early 1942.
Courtesy Jim Bashleben
A jungle trail on Bataan in early 1942.
Courtesy Jim Bashleben

Barbed wire strung across a Bataan beach in early 1942. Behind the barbed wire are tanks of B Company.
Courtesy Jim Bashleben
Barbed wire strung across a Bataan beach in early 1942. Behind the barbed wire are tanks of B Company.
Courtesy Jim Bashleben

A picture of a Bataan river taken during the Battle of Bataan in 1942 by a member of B Company.
Courtesy Jim Bashleben
A picture of a Bataan river taken during the Battle of Bataan in 1942 by a member of B Company.
Courtesy Jim Bashleben

Pvt. Herbert Kirchhoff, Pvt. Lester (Tenney) Tenenberg, Pvt. Carl. D. Garr, and Sgt. Willard VonBergen, all members of Company B, 192nd Tank Battalion, relaxing by their tank behind a truck somewhere on Bataan. On the turret of the tank is the name "Helen," which was VonBergen's wife's name.
Pvt. Herbert Kirchhoff, Pvt. Lester (Tenney) Tenenberg, Pvt. Carl. D. Garr, and Sgt. Willard VonBergen, all members of Company B, 192nd Tank Battalion, relaxing by their tank behind a truck somewhere on Bataan. On the turret of the tank is the name "Helen," which was VonBergen's wife's name.

Cpl. John Massimino of Company B, using a machete to cut through the jungle on Bataan. His camouflaged tank is in the background behind his arm.
Courtesy of Jim Bashleben
Soldier Cutting Trail

Cpl. John Massimino and Cpl. Al Cornils, of Company B, behind their camouflaged tank in the jungle somewhere on Bataan.
Courtesy Jim Bashleben
Cpl. John Massimino and Cpl. Al Cornils, of Company B, behind their camouflaged tank in the jungle somewhere on Bataan.
Courtesy Jim Bashleben

Sgt, Ray Vandenbroucke and the two other members of his tank crew sitting on their camouflaged tank somewhere on Bataan.
Courtesy Jim Bashleben
Sgt, Ray Vandenbroucke and the two other members of his tank crew sitting on their camouflaged tank somewhere on Bataan.
Courtesy Jim Bashleben

Pvt. Harry Rusch sits behind his camouflaged tank somewhere on Bataan.
Courtesy of Jim Bashleben
Pvt. Harry Rusch sits behind his camouflaged tank somewhere on Bataan.
Courtesy of Jim Bashleben

American soldiers listen to the latest news during the Battle of Bataan.
Courtesy of the Cornils Family
American soldiers listen to the latest news during the Battle of Bataan.
Courtesy of the Cornils Family

This war bond poster from the Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Company shows Sgt. Jim Bashleben of B Company coming out of a trench on his Harley-Davidson Motorcycle. The picture was taken at Ft. Knox, Kentucky in 1941 by a Chicago Tribune photographer.
Courtesy of Jim Bashleben
This war bond poster from the Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Company shows Sgt. Jim Bashleben of B Company coming out of a trench on his Harley-Davidson Motorcycle. The picture was taken at Ft. Knox, Kentucky in 1941 by a Chicago Tribune photographer.
Courtesy of Jim Bashleben

This drawing shows Hospital #1 at Little Baguio, Bataan,
Philippine Islands.
This drawing shows Hospital #1 at Little Baguio, Bataan,
Philippine Islands.

This photo shows a captured American Stuart Tank after it was landed on Corregidor. Zenon Bardowski stated that his tank was the first tank to land on the island during the Japanese invasion of the island.
This photo shows a captured American Stuart Tank after it was landed on Corregidor. Zenon Bardowski stated that his tank was the first tank to land on the island during the Japanese invasion of the island.